She's So Unusual

"Your TRUE COLORS are beautiful like a Rainbow"



Indie Scene

“Indie": a term loosely tossed around and often presented in front of nouns like music, art and fashion, is short for “independent” which is a state of being that we all know is quite challenging to achieve. When you're independent, are you really on your own? I have discovered that there is a movement to support the folks who are supporting themselves. Independent musicians, artists and designers utilize local media outlets, tradeshows, and events in order to secure commissioned projects in raising awareness and (if lucky) a paycheck. Being your own boss, publicist, marketer and curator is no easy task even for a team of professionals. The one-man-show mentality of the Indie scene is not only impressive but down right admirable.

This week, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with some fabulous folks who are taking the Indie Scene by storm.

Monday I interviewed Jason Peskin and Brianne Bear of Project Ethos, a multi-city production showcasing the latest in music, art and fashion on an independent level. The passion behind this project began with a vision for something innovative, a way for locals to connect with other creative like-minds. What started out as a small-scale bi-annual LA event, has snowballed into a movement visiting big cities like San Diego, Las Vegas and Chicago. For the full article on Project Ethos written for, an awesome blog about the latest in the San Diego indie sphere--take a peak here! Looking for Saturday night plans? Project Ethos will be in it's hometown for LA Fashion Week!

Wednesday I spent the afternoon feeling inspired by Sherry Lou, a friend of mine who also happens to be influencing the blog-o-sphere with her weekly fashion updates where you'll find all of her latest designs! Her blog, THREADED is a collaboration of San Diego inspired trends, tips and tricks that are definitely worth reading. Also, check out her fabulous handmade designs on Etsy, her latest stuff can be found on America's Next Top Model Naduah.

Thursday night I spent the evening with fabulous company at NBC San Diego's Authentically Local Fashion, Music and Art show featuring Art Kills Artists and co-sponsored by THREAD Show featuring local designers. The usual THREAD Show is a one day retail environment, bringing new fashion and art to trend hipsters alike. Art Kills Artists is an online collective that friend of mine + independent artist, Monty Montgomery, told me about. AKA allows real artists (the 'starving' type) and art lovers to connect online, purchase original art and create a community of publicity and awareness. 

The Art Meets Fashion mission is to initiate collaborations between established fashion designers and visual artists of excellence, to showcase the creativity in San Diego, and to encourage local teens to be involved in the Arts. A good friend and colleague, Erinn Ryan of Killer Styling, who volunteer edits the Art Meets Fashion blog recently posted my Project Ethos article.

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