She's So Unusual

"Your TRUE COLORS are beautiful like a Rainbow"



Broken Bananas--Baked Version

This recipe was created by my roommate. The first time she experimented with bananas was on the grill, where my mouth encountered the most delectable combination of rich dark chocolate, melted brown sugar & brandy--did I mention this was all cooked inside a delicious banana? Oh yes. I am not even kidding you, my mouth nearly orgasmed when I took the first bite. Here's how to experience one for yourself:

What you'll need:

1 oven safe pan
2-3 ripe bananas (slightly freckled is even better)
1 bag of dark chocolate chips
1 cup brown sugar
vanilla icecream
whip cream*

*use of this is subjective to how much you would like to add, I prefer just a little, but tickle your own fancy!

To begin:
Preheat oven to 350. Set bananas in oven safe pan and cut one slit along the side. Wedge chocolate chips inside banana and sprinkle brown sugar on top. Pour light coat of brandy over bananas.

Baking Instructions:
Place in center of oven for 15-20 minutes. Cook until melted and banana peel is brown. Top with vanilla icecream and whip cream & Enjoy in a bowl!

1 comment:

  1. omgosh.. banana orgasm in your mouth lol.

    - lo
